Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Rumsfeld speaks...watch out

The following op-ed piece written by former Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld poses some interesting, and troubling points; especially when juxtaposed with Naomi Campbell's 10 steps to dictatorship. The quick passage of the Patriot Act so shortly after 9/11; Clear Channel's burning of the Dixie Chicks for their statements about President Bush; the promotion of the use of torture; the employment of private contractors; not to mention the bizaare story of Andrew Card and Alberto Gonzalez trying to force Attorney General Ashcroft to sign documents expanding the wiretap law all hold the mirror to Rumsfeld and the actions of the Bush administration during its first term.

From the article:
"The world is saying little and doing less as President Hugo Chávez dismantles Venezuela's constitution, silences its independent media and confiscates private property. Chávez's ambitions do not stop at Venezuela's borders, either. He has repeatedly threatened its neighbors." - See passage of the Patriot Act, legalization of torture, and burning of Dixie Chicks records by Clear Channel; also see fear of US actions, particularly in AFRICOM.

"Turf-conscious subcommittees in Congress inhibit the country's ability to mobilize government agencies to tackle new challenges." - forget about subcommittees in congress, what about 'turf-conscious' departments sharing information prior to the invasion of Iraq (see Defense vs. State)

"But when institutions no longer serve our interests well -- or, worse, hamper important efforts -- we need to hear more about reform through public commentary, in Congress and on the campaign trail." - Our way or the highway? Sounds like yet more steps to isolate America...

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